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Yeah…. my fantasy is different. So what?


Well I always had this wish/ fantasy/dream of staying as a paying guest or something like that. You know, like Joey and Chandler of ‘FRIENDS’ with their little awesome apartment. One roomie is more than enough. Hmm, what if that was a hot chic, na? K I don’t know how that would turn out to be !

Continue reading Yeah…. my fantasy is different. So what?

The world is getting better everyday !!! Don’t weep.

We read the newspapers, and end up  coming across the crime news. But hey !!! Don’t be sad. 99% of the world is good!!! But we tend to focus on the 1% which is bad. Hence the good gets ignores or unnoticed. If it was opposite, i.e if only 1% was good, we would obviously notice that goodness in the ocean of badness. Thank, God its not like that by the way !!


Are you drinking coffee? Then please don’t tell the time. Please!

This shit actually happens ! Don’t mess !

  1. I was drinking coffee with my friend in a cafe.
  2. I wear watch in my right hand.( yeah I’m the odd man out).
  3. I’m right handed like most people. Hence coffee in right hand.
  4. I’m wearing cotton cream colored trousers.
  5. There is a pretty girl at the neighboring table. Whoohoo.
  6. My idiotic friend forgot his watch and his mobile. Bloody idiot. !
  7. He asks me for the time.
  8. Splash !!!!!!! OUCH…my D**** !!!!!
  9. The girl giggles hidingly.
  10. Embarrassing. Very very much !!!

In how many tries can you open a particular page of a book? Think and try !

1. Just take a text book. (preferably fat).

2. Think of  a page number in mind.

3. Think of the number of attempts in which you will be able to open that page.

4. Now try opening that page in those many tries.

5. Did you succeed???

Example: I chose page 75. I estimated I will take 3 attempts to reach the page.  First shot I opened page 45 . Now I went ahead of page 45 of-course. Keep your finger as a bookmark. Next shot I opened page 67.  Oh shit in next shot I have to reach page 75.
I took the shot. I reached 72 !!!!! Next I took another shot and finally I reached 75. That means I exceeded my limit of 3 shots! damn.

My fav character is “Harvey Specter” from “Suits”. Who is urs?

harvey spector

We all watch TV series. Don’t we? I mean those are the best ways to motivate or entertain yourself in our not so awesome lives.  We get involved with their lives so much ! Don’t we? Well my favorite character is “Harvey Specter” from “Suits“……..

Continue reading My fav character is “Harvey Specter” from “Suits”. Who is urs?

Do I like her? Yes No yes yes no yes !

She spoke to me. Her voice is so sweet. I like her.

She hugged a boy which I hate. Oh I don’t like her.

She dint reply to my text. I don’t like her.

She waved out to me in the city. I like her. She smiled at me.Oh her smile is so awesome. I like her.

She forgot to wish me on by B’day. I don’t like her. But she called me for her house party on her B’day. I like her!

She be-friended a boy to such an extent that one day he proposed her ! I don’t like her. But then her reply was a NO. I definitely like her. She called me that night to confide in me. I like her.

But she forgot to wish me good night. I don’t like her.